I ate too much (1181kcal) :(
Originally on CalorieCount:
Today I ate too much, 1181kcal. I was fine all day, but after work I wanted to buy a new smaller black bag and also my dance slippers are falling off my feet, so I had to get new ones. The same shop sells both in a mall, so I went there. However, the weather has been crazy all day. It looked like rain in the morning and then the sun came out. I took some caffeine pills and a headache pill, but I still felt dizzy. My blood pressure is so low and in weather like this it just plumets. So I had this monster headache and then the world tilted under my feet. I just had to get something coffee-like in me, but nothing hot. I stopped at a McDonald's Café and I saw this Iced Mocha. I just couldn't resist. Just by looking at it I knew it was 300kcal. Actually, 310. But it did taste really good. I didn't add sugar, but there was some in the whipped cream.
Then I got home and had an apple, 90kcal. So now I'm way over my 1000 limit.
I feel guilty. If I wasn't so tired I'd be exercising.