2013 and a recap of 2012

My neck problems got better, but not perfect. I often have neck pains. I got a neck pillow for work, and always try to make sure to not to strain my neck, or not move it for a long time. 

Well, December 21st, 2012 came and went, and the world didn't end. Weird. :D

I started doing Zumba in November, and going to Flabelos. I'm determined to get back to 58kg. I first cut back on my food, and then I cut out dinner. Well, not completely cut out, because some evenings I'm just too hungry. At the start of December I caught the flu. It took me two weeks to get a bit better, but my stomach was still feeling bad, and my energy level was terrible. There went my weight loss for a whole month. I only really got better at the start of January. I got back to Zumba and yoga. However, one day I tried to eat really little, and I got really dizzy at Zumba. I ate too little. The weather was nice at that time, until I went for two weeks to mum's at the end of February. The weather got all strange. Raining for days, then snow, rain, 11C one day, 2 the next. I was doing Zumba at home by a tape, when I felt my heart beating very fast, enough to make my chest hurt. I took my blood pressure and it wasn't especially high, but my body was still feeling strange. Ever since then I wasn't able to do more than 20 minutes of Zumba at one time.

I also joined a weight-loss group on Facebook. Of course everyone is losing weight faster than I am.

The weather isn't getting any better. It's sunny one day, raining the next. It got really strange on March 14th. Snow! Not a little snow, but trains not going snow.

It's still snowing on the 27th. It's getting very frustrating, and not exactly nice for my body either.
I'm also going to limbic massage. Hopefully it'll help with losing weight, but I've been hungrier since I started.

I don't like chicken anymore. It makes me nauseous. So starting Friday, I'm going on a fruits and nuts diet, since those don't hurt my stomach. Hopefully it'll help me.

I need to be 58kg in July. I'm 67kg now, so I still have 9kg to lose in 14 weeks. That's less than 1kg a week, but I haven't been losing even that much. I have not been doing as much Zumba as I'd like at home, so I should step that up.

I finished the Emperor's Arrival, but started writing a sequel in Hungarian and also translating that one to Hungarian. I'm determined to find a way to get them published in some way. I also want to translate the sequel to English, to have both in both languages.

I haven't finished the HP story yet. I've been stuck on the last chapter for months, I just don't feel inspired to write it. But I really need to finish it in April, to just get that done with.

On another note, we've been watching Doctor Who and Torchwood with Kriszti. I wanted to rewatch the show, and she hadn't seen all the eps, so every month we get together, drink some booze, have something to eat, and watch the show. We just finished with S3 of DW, and S1 of T. It was her bday last week. We had Blue Hawaiian. 1-1 Blue Cur.-Coconut liqueur, 2 pineapple juice. I also wanted to make a chocolate pie and chocolate cookies. I managed to get the dough together, but we ended up finishing them together. The kitchen was practically a disaster area. My egg turned partly to a scramble, and I ate that part with some cheese as my lunch. The cocktail shaker fell apart in my hand too, of course. The series was good though. :D And the taste of things turned out fine in the end.

Bioshock Infinite came out yesterday. It took me over an hour to install it, but I played some. I was a terrible shot at first, but getting the hand of it after a while.


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