Weekend cheat days ... but still lost weight ...

Originally on CalorieCount:

Weekends are my problematic days. When I'm at work and get my daily vegan lunch, I'm fine. I can also keep myself away from the chocolate vending machine that is like 10 steps away by thinking of my colleagues. What will they think if they see overweight me buying something? By the time I get home I'm usually too tired to think of eating, so I just drink some milk or something.

For the weekends I try to not keep any food around. Though I do occasionally buy some biscuits for my breakfast. If I had nothing sweet at all, I would tend to pig out on something more. But this weekend I did have a 12-piece box of lemon creme biscuits and a whole bar of Milka chocolate with mints. I should not have bought that bar, but I thought I could keep myself to only eating one row a day. How wrong I had been. Come Saturday and I started off wrong. I ate about 6 biscuits, 84kcal each. Then I had lunch, which was fish, about 570kcal. Then I saw the chocolate bar and just couldn't stop myself, I ate the whole thing in one sitting, over 600kcal. About 1700kcal. Ugh. Yeah. And I was lazy all day to boot.
On Sunday I did better. Woke up at almost noon, so skipped breakfast. I had another fish lunch, again about 570kcal. 4 biscuits. Ugh. Out of chocolate, I had hot chocolate for dinner, which would have been okay if I had not put in the liquid mint in there. Still, with regular cocoa and skimmed milk, sweeteners, it should not have been more than 250kcal. Still, about 1156kcal. Lazy day again.
Now comes th funny part. I was sure that I had gained over the weekend. However, I lost 1kg compared to what I weighed on Friday. WHAT????? No clue how that happened, but I'm glad it did. Especially, because I overate on Friday too.

So now, today, I'm back on the 1000kcal bandwagon. I had quinoa for lunch, which is really high in calories, so dinner is probably just a milkshake again.

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