The failure of calories in, calories out?

Originally on CalorieCount:

Okay, so over the weekend, when I ate a lot, I lost 1kg. Great. Now I'm back on my 1000kcal a day regime, okay, maybe a tiny bit over by like 30kcal, but anyway, I'm back to eating strict. I even got out the scales and measure everything exactly now, where before I would just measure with my eyes. I gain 3dkg a day. What?

Isn't loosing weight supposed to be about calories in, calories out? I'm supposed to burn almost 1500kcal a day just by existing. Then I added what I normally move about in a day and that's an extra 200-300kcal if I don't go exercising. I also belly dance on some days, which is an extra 447kcal / class. So, I'm supposed to have a calorie deficit of about 700-1100kcal a day on weekdays! So why am I gaining? And I only eat 3 pieces of small cookies a day, 32kcal each, no other sugar added. Otherwise I'm eating vegetables, dairy and whole grains. So what the heck??? I should be shedding pounds at alarming rate, not gaining.

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