Traveling to Grasmere Day 2

I woke up to my mum warning me to take my medication. We had a small breakfast in the breakfast room. It wasn't the best, and the coffee ran out fast, but it was something. There was another guy there, who was on his way to Canada. He had been living there for a while. He also left with the airport transfer we used.
We did make it to the airport fast, but I misunderstood the woman when I checked my bag in. She told me that I could get in at B2 after 6:30. I thought she meant the security, so we sat down and mum had another coffee. I got through security fast, but had to wait a lot for passport check. I got talking with a British guy in line, and it was good to pass the time.

I had to wait for the plane. I chatted with a Chinese girl, who was studying economics in Glasgow, and was returning from a holiday in Austria and Hungary. We ended up taking off half an hour late.

On the plane I felt pretty scared. I had the middle seat, so I concentrated on talking with my neighbours. On my left Kati sat, who ended up giving me her number. She had been to the UK for 11 years, and was living near Nottingham. She had a gastric band fitted a few years ago, and pretty much lost me in weight. She loved flying, so she helped me get over my anxiety. On my other side a guy sat, who worked at a hotel in Fort William, but in the office. He told me I would spend more, because I made more. After a while they both fell asleep, and I decided to do a little reading.

When we finally touched down, I was very happy. I had a backache from the uncomfortable seat. I got out, and the cold just hit me. I didn't mind much through, because the air smelled wonderfully fresh. I rushed to border control, but there was already a line. I was worried, because I only had an hour to catch my train. They only had two people behind the desks, and it was slow going. They seemed to also have and e-passport going, but the gates kept not admitting people, so they had to use the desks too. Just when a few men were before me, they opened two more gates. Though the funny thing was that the guy forgot to withdraw the ribbon closing the gate, and when the guy from his desk went over to the only open way, he started shouting that he was supposed to go through his gate. A few people had to point out to him that he had left the ribbon up, and he withdrew it, his face red from embarrassment. I was quickly passed through, and ran to baggage claim. I was looking for my bag, ran towards the start of the line, when my big suitcase rolled out. I wanted to kiss it.

I ran out to look for the bus. It was nowhere in sight, so when I passed an airport guy, I asked him where the stop was. He pointed ahead, and said something about North. The rest I have no idea. It actually sounded more German than English. The bus stop was there, and I could get my ticket from a woman giving them out down the line. I asked her about the bus, and she said it should be there, but was a bit late, because of traffic. That got me a bit worried. She also said that the station was the second stop, and confirmed 20 minutes there. I got on shortly after, and didn't want to but my bag on the luggage rack, but it was taken. I sat next to a Hungarian girl, who was visiting a friend in a small village, and hoped to improve her English.
When I got off the bus, I asked another woman where the station was. It wasn't easy to spot, because it was actually in and old building that looked nothing like a station. She was very nice in directing me, and I quickly ran inside. There was a rather steep passage at the entrance, and I rolled my monster suitcase in front of me, then pushed it upwards with both hands. I must have looked very silly.

The station wasn't too big, but unfamiliar. I found the train on the board, and I still had 20 minutes. However, it didn't say the platform. I saw a few ticket machines, and made my way towards them. Getting my ticket was easy. I just followed the instructions, and it printed four papers, only two of which were the actual ticket. It wasn't on thin toilet paper either, like in Hungary.

I bought some water, took some pictures, and decided to make my way to the train. I was first directed to platform 4, which turned out to be the wrong one. I spotted the train on platform 3, but asked a couple of people working for the railway just to make sure. They confirmed it was the correct train, and I got on.

The train was very nice. There was a luggage rack, where I had to leave my big suitcase. I was worried about leaving it there, but there was no room at my seat. Above the seat was a print-out with my reservation. Next to me I was informed that the seat was reserved for someone getting on in Carlisle. There wasn't anyone on the train, but then suddenly it was flooded by people. Four young guys got on with a rack of beer. The train left right on time. I felt restless, and I stood up for a bit. I started talking with the guys, and found out that they were going to Manchester airport to fly to a festival in Croatia. They asked about that and Budapest, because they wanted to travel around the region after the festival. I sat back down, and had some food. The scenery was beautiful. I saw a lot of sheep and cows, even a few horses. There were huge windmills. The seat next to me wasn't taken in Carlisle.

I got off in Penrith. I looked for a place to get coffee, and found a McDonald's next to the station. They didn't have lactose-free milk. I again found myself having to explain lactose intolerance, and get offered skimmed milk. *facepalm* I got an espresso. I found out that the toilets in McD are probably dirty everywhere. I got to the bus stop, and chatted with a few people while waiting.

I bought my daily ticket on the bus, and found a seat next to an old lady. She had lived in a small village all her life, but traveled a lot as a pensioner. Quite adventurous too. China, Egypt, that sort of places. She got down, and I went on to Keswick. It turned out to be quite a lively town. Lots of shops, full of tourists. The sun was shining, and it was really nice. I
got off at this bigger station, and it was about 20 minutes to the bus. There was a bigger shop there, and I went in to explore. I exited in time to catch my bus, and asked the driver to warn me when we were getting to the hotel. An old man told me that is was fine, because he was getting off there as well.

I got off the bus and was finally there. I asked the receptionist, and he got Jane, my new boss out. She showed me around. The room I got isn't the best, but there is a promise of some refurbishment in the near future. The bathroom is shared. We talked a bit over dinner, and I got a hotel room for two days while some things about my room get sorted out. I fell asleep quickly, I was so exhausted.


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