
Showing posts from 2013

Week Long Vacation and Wine Festival

The annual Wine Festival in Szeged took place from May 17th to May 26th. It was also Whit Monday, so I decided to go on a vacation for the remaining four days of the week. I planned to go swimming every day, get a nice tan and drink a lot of wine. You know what they say about best laid plans... The week before the forecast was not good. Showers and cold, but I stayed hopeful that it wouldn't come true. Well, apparently, when I really don't want them to be right, they are. I left Budapest on Friday. In the morning I thought of only going in sandals, but in the end I packed a pair and went in my Adidas trainers. Best decision ever. By the time the train arrived to Szeged, it wasn't just raining there. It was a proper thunderstorm with lightning. So I grabbed a taxi home, at which point I realised I should have packed more cash, because I gave my last pieces to the taxi driver. The following three days were nice though. On Saturday we went to Flabelos, then had a ...

I went to a graduation and size 38 pants

I went to a graduation to Debrecen. It was my cousin's daughter's, Panni's. She graduated a bilingual high school and would like to go on to study at the local university. The graduation itself was like all the ones I've ever been to. Boring. We stood out on the school grounds in the blazing sun. The kids wore black suits, poor things. So we stood in a circle, and the kids stopped in front of us with their backs to us. There was of course the headmaster talking, then singing, poems, more singing. The speech was okay, only(!) 15 minutes. The poems I didn't listen to. They did sound really depressing though. The songs were delivered by a half-dead chorus. There is supposed to be a singing  specialisation  at the school. If this is the quality they have... Then they started giving out all sorts of awards. There was one girl, who did pretty much everything, the little  overachiever .  We left after a while. Our feet were hurting, and I was developing nausea fro...

Tooth issues and finally some progress concerning weight loss

I've been going to a place where they "churn" my belly. It's done with a glass bowl turned upside down. They also do limbic massage with a machine. I get a bit dizzy and nauseous after the massage, but that's fine. The woman there promised to check with the providers of the machine if that is okay. It does seem to be working as I'm now 66kg, and lost cm-s off my tummy. What I haven't been doing a lot of is working out. I just hadn't had the time or the mood, but I'm thinking of doing Jillian's 30 minutes 30 days thing. That much I can manage. Knowing Jillian, it must be hard, but 30 minutes is not enough time for me to get bored. I'm at my mum's again. For a few months I've had an issue with something hurting on the left bottom side of my mouth. Couldn't determine if it was gums or teeth, so when I felt it get worse, I went to the dentist. It was a bit problematic. I decided to go on Thursday, but couldn't go to Szeged ...


I spent Easter with mum. The weather was weird, but it has been lately. On Saturday we went to get my legs waxed, then had a coffee and a cake at McD Café. Afterwards we walked around the city and the mall for about 5 hours. We looked at shoes. The selection was dreadful. Either very high or completely flat, the colours dreary. I wanted to get nice sandals in royal blue, but that doesn't seem like it's going to happen. I did get two tops at C&A, one in green, the other in lime. I also got two belts, one light blue and a hot pink. I needed some new belts as my trousers are falling off. Which is weird. I'm 67kg, but apparently I was buying too big trousers, because although my measurements barely changed, they are very loose. 2013. February 11.: Weigh: 70.2 Arm: 31 Chest: 97 Under breasts: 8 3.5 Waist: 84.5 Stomach: 98 Hips: 104.5 Thigh: 64 2013. March 30.: Weigh: 67.5 Arm: 30.5 Chest: 97.5 Under breasts: 81.5 Waist: 83.5 Stomach: 97...

Memories of Father

I was supposed to meet my father at my grandma's on the Saturday after my birthday. Well, he told her that because I didn't reply to his message, he wasn't coming. My grandmother was harassing me over it. I told her I didn't write back, because it was a simple text, he didn't call, and I was going to meet him anyway, so why reply??? Anyway, don't care, though it was very uncomfortable. They kept going on and on about it. I figure it was because he had something else scheduled, and would rather meet his friends than me. It wasn't the first time. Appearances have always been more important to him than me. He never asked me what I wanted for my birthday, or if I needed help with something, or anything really. I was always someone to be dragged around for his girlfriends and friends, to show off. I never felt that he actually wanted to see me. We haven't seen each other since, and he doesn't say he doesn't want to see me, but it is implied. Not ...

2013 and a recap of 2012

My neck problems got better, but not perfect. I often have neck pains. I got a neck pillow for work, and always try to make sure to not to strain my neck, or not move it for a long time.  Well, December 21st, 2012 came and went, and the world didn't end. Weird. :D I started doing Zumba in November, and going to Flabelos. I'm determined to get back to 58kg. I first cut back on my food, and then I cut out dinner. Well, not completely cut out, because some evenings I'm just too hungry. At the start of December I caught the flu. It took me two weeks to get a bit better, but my stomach was still feeling bad, and my energy level was terrible. There went my weight loss for a whole month. I only really got better at the start of January. I got back to Zumba and yoga. However, one day I tried to eat really little, and I got really dizzy at Zumba. I ate too little. The weather was nice at that time, until I went for two weeks to mum's at the end of February. The weat...