I went to a graduation and size 38 pants

I went to a graduation to Debrecen. It was my cousin's daughter's, Panni's. She graduated a bilingual high school and would like to go on to study at the local university. The graduation itself was like all the ones I've ever been to. Boring. We stood out on the school grounds in the blazing sun. The kids wore black suits, poor things. So we stood in a circle, and the kids stopped in front of us with their backs to us. There was of course the headmaster talking, then singing, poems, more singing. The speech was okay, only(!) 15 minutes. The poems I didn't listen to. They did sound really depressing though. The songs were delivered by a half-dead chorus. There is supposed to be a singing specialisation at the school. If this is the quality they have... Then they started giving out all sorts of awards. There was one girl, who did pretty much everything, the little overachiever
We left after a while. Our feet were hurting, and I was developing nausea from the sun.
So we went to my cousin's city apartment. It was refurbished just not long ago, though it still needs some tweaks here and there. The apartment is gorgeous! Grey wood floors, white and black furniture. Told Ancsa, my cousin's wife that she could be an interior designer. Zsófi, my cousin's other daughter helped a lot too.
After that, we went to have dinner. Now because of my diet I don't eat dinner a lot. I did have salmon with a salad and some potatoes, and a bit of wine. It was okay, not brilliant. Panni came on her own after she was done with the graduation stuff. My uncle, Karcsi was also there, his partner Anikó, and her daughter-in-law, Villő with her little baby. So cute! The food all around was pretty average, sometimes now very good.
We got home at about 10pm, by home I mean my cousin's house. I turned in at around 11pm. A few hours after I woke up to mum snoring. We were sleeping in the same bed. It got so bad, that my ears rang. So I went out to the living room and slept on the sofa. I was a bit cold, but at least it was a lot more quiet. I was really sleepy in the morning, but still woke up at 6am, and had my morning stretches.
I do love doing my morning yoga. Just about 15 minutes, but it really moves me.
The next day Ancsa was really nice. I revealed to her my problem with chicken and dairy, and she made sure I had food to eat. I helped out a bit with making it. After lunch we went to get ice cream and I had a really good dark chocolate and kiwi combo.

On Sunday mum was still in Budapest, and we had a nice Mum's Day lunch at Két Szerecsen. The food was good, but I forgot to take my enzimes, and we had to drop into a pharmacy to get some. I would go back to that restaurant.
After that we went to Allee and walked around, looking for a good pair of flat black sandals. Now it's really hard to find something for my feet, so we didn't find anything. It was a 20% off day. Mum got some beads for her jewelry making. We saw some cute bikinis in New Yorker. We got some trousers and skirts at C&A. My size is now 38 there! So cool! I think my thighs are getting a lot thinner. I'm so glad. It is a bit weird that I'm a 38 and my weight hasn't reached 58kg yet. Only 64kg, so I still have a lot to loose. Maybe by then I'll be a 36!

At yoga on Tuesday I saw a really skinny girl. She's my height and 54kg. I wonder if I'd look that skinny 54kg. I'll see. Maybe I'll try to go under 58kg.
At yoga my knees hurt pretty badly. It has been very rainy for a few days, so my knees weren't on top form. But some of the stuff went rather well, probably thanks to the morning yoga. Though I still don't have arm muscles.

In the evening I got into a bit of an argument with a girl on Facebook. She said she hated her legs, so I told her to exercise. She said she is exercising. Then stop moaning about it! Anyway, I tried to give her some tips, but she brushed me off. She even gave me the old "oh, my whole family is fat" argument. That's such a cop-out! Okay, I may have been getting a bit rude after a while, but I felt offended  especially when she made a comment about me getting a beauty sleep. She thinks she's so pretty! Ugh, not! I ended up unfriending her. I have actually been thinking about it, because her posts have been annoying me. She kept posting pictures of her niece, Maria. Okay, cute kid, but why in hell are you posting 10 pictures daily of her? Not interested! No one is! She's worse than the mums. I have a lot of mums on my FB, and they don't post so many pictures of their kids. She also had some other whinny, moany posts, so I'm glad I finally made the move to just get her off my wall.

Overall, the writing is going really well. I finished translating "The Emperor's Arrival", and everyone is loving it. They also love what I have so far of my Lost City story. I don't think it'll be long enough to actually extend a book. so I'm thinking of making it as a collection of stories that happen with Galen and Gawain. I'm planning on first publishing online, and then we'll see where we go from there.


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