Post: Things Fall Apart, Ch.2

I've put up chapter 2 of my H/D fic. I even managed to find a beta for it and now I just got 2 more volunteers!

I've been getting some comments on Ron's odd behaviour after posting it on HexFiles, so I decided to put a little end note on it. Since it does seem really strange at this point in the story, later on it will be understood once I reveal what has been going on the past 14 years. I'm not sure yet when that will be though. I'm at chapter 8 and it doesn't look like it. Maybe around chapter 10. I know what needs to happen until Harry can know just what has been done to Hermione and him. I need to time it right so that things don't go too fast. After all, once Harry knows about everything, there is no going back for him. He won't be able to pretend anymore, so he has to only find it out once he no longer has to pretend.

I just hope that people won't be terribly confused until then!

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