I wrote a big blog post about losing weight, but not only that happened this year.


I left my position at Avaya. It was weird, because I've never been fired before. Though they took me back as a contractor, it's still an unstable position, though what position is really stable? However, it also meant losing some benefits, and that I would never get a raise in the new position. Not that I ever got a significant raise during my time at the company, or since working really, there was still hope though. Not to talk about bonuses. Who gets bonuses in this day and age anyway? Or at least an amount that actually matters?
So I actually spent most of January at home.
I had a bit of an accident, and dropped an old TV stand on my right foot. I think I bruised the bone, though I never went to a doctor. I had a hard time standing on it for a while, and couldn't wear heels.


Started off well. I held my first party in my new home. I cooked, and baked cookies. I made my chicken curry with matzo balls. Andor helped with the balls. Everyone loved it a lot. Timi especially liked the balls. It was a lot of fun, and I decided to repeat it, even though at the end I was exhausted.
I was supposed to start working, and all my accesses were supposed to be still working. However, that was not what happened. I had to get everything requested again. It took my Siebel access over a month to come back to the original level. There was no point in me hanging out at the office until I could work, so I was waiting at home. It was a good thing, because I could keep my foot up, and not walk on it too much.


The others started as well, with the same problems. Veronika and Adam were frustrated, I was not so much. It also turned out that the higher ups weren't sure what they wanted with us, and it took many more months to actually build up a semblance of a working method.
There was the 4-yearly vote, and Fidesz won again. I hoped it was a good thing.
Mum applied to be in a commercial for Flabélos, and she got it. She got quite a lot of good stuff, and a gift voucher. I talked her into getting a tablet for herself, because she had been wanting one. She got the same kind I have, just in green. She later turned up in two commercials on TV. She also had fun doing it, and she only needed a few takes. They were very impressed by her.


I mostly spent it at home again. I got sick at the start of the month. Mum was luckily with me, I was so sick, I almost fainted going back to my bed. We called the doctor, because we were scared that I was going downhill so fast. They gave me an injection. I was weak as a kitten for days.
Then I had my birthmark taken off, and was working from home for the rest of the month. I'm glad it's off now, even though the place of it still hurts from time to time. If that happens, I have to rest my back.
The doctor was very funny. I went with mum, since she was going to be taking care of me. The doctor said I can go about my days normally, just don't stretch, bend, carry weight, arch my back, or basically move my right arm around much. Very funny. I was basically bed ridden until they took the stitches out.
I had to admit that I was allergic to nuts. I've been avoiding nuts for a while, but I was still unsure if it was that, or some sort of panic symptom due to sugar. Then I tried just a piece of nut, and could feel my throat getting sore as it went down. :( I love nuts! I would eat them all the time. Not anymore. I also started to be suspicious of where they could accidentally put nuts into my food, so I decided to make my own pastry from then on.
We saw a Molnar Dixieland Band and Fool Moon concert. It was a lot of fun, but the people behind me were grumbling about me taking pictures.


The first week was spent working from home, and still resting my back a lot. I still had to be careful after they took out the stitches. Later I got back my results of the test on my birthmark, and it was all okay. They always check for cancer or something. On my first day back I had to lie down on the couch in the office, because my back was aching by 2pm.
We had the Wine Festival in Szeged. I got the whole time off. The weather was bad on a few days, but it was nice drinking my favourite wines. We saw Molnar again, and a few other bands. I started noticing that I was getting skinny. I also had a nice piece of blood sausage a few times.


I spent my birthday in Szeged, as usual. We had lunch at my favourite Italian restaurant. I had a great pasta dish. I posted a few pictures, and a few people commented on how skinny I got. I started to not recognise myself in the mirror.
I had a birthday party on the 21st. I invited some people over, and we played games, had good food. I asked Kriszti this time, and she came over sooner to help me cook. There was so much food, I was giving it away! I also got some presents, but my new baby plushie sheep was the best! I got her from Timi. She's so cute and cuddly.

We went to Visegrád with mum on an excursion. We went with a bus there, and considered going home with a boat. However, the boats didn't leave for hours, so we opted for the bus. It was very hot outside, and I was so glad I was so thin, because it bothered me less. I was also rocking my new shorts. We really just saw the King Mathias Museum. It was too hot to go up on the hill to the castle. We had lunch at a restaurant, but it wasn't that good. I wrote a review on Tripadvisor, and Ittjártam.


I took out a few weeks vacation, and stayed in Szeged. The first week the weather was really nice. I was in my older red bikini, but after a few times I gave up and acknowledged that it was slipping a bit too much while I was swimming. I got a really cheap one at Tesco. Bright green, triangle, and barely covering anything. It felt odd to wear something so small, but I was happy to show off my new skinny body. After every swim we shared a lángos, and had a beer or a wine with mineral water.
The second week of my stay the weather got bad, and we only went to swim a few times.

We celebrated my name day at John Bull's. Great food, great beer. Didn't faint at the list of foods I couldn't eat.

We also went to a Fool Moon concert, with Radics Gigi. She was pretty good, but her outfit was terrible. She is also better singing American songs, though sometimes she went overboard with complicating the song, which I really don't like.


The new season of Doctor Who finally started, and I could see Peter Capaldi as 12. I really love him! He's great.

We went to Esztergom with mum. The day before we had lunch at a Scottish pub in Budapest, but it wasn't that good. I accidentally ate a bit of milk product, and felt queasy all day while in Esztergom. I only drank Kubu, most of the time. We went by bus, and it was quite quick. Getting off the bus we realised we didn't have any maps. Sort of assumed there would be something at the bus station, like we had in Veszprém. Nothing. The station was terrible, like something in a third world country. The surrounding area didn't look much better either. We went in the direction we assumed the centre would be, and found a shop on the way. We got some Kubu for me in case my blood sugar dropped, and some munchies for mum. We found the main street, which was pretty deserted. It was rather cold, and very windy. The weather never improved much since the drop in July. We talked to a local guy, and he said that there is no money going into the city, so everything is in a bad shape. I later learned that the local governing body is divided equally between the ruling party and the opposition, so nothing ever gets done.
We found our way to the old district, and climbed up on the small "cat way". It was pretty tiring. On the top mum had a coffee, and I used the restroom. We went on to the Basilica. The Basilica was a lot smaller than I expected. In fact, the central area was smaller, and not as pretty as the Votive Church in Szeged. There was a treasury in the back, but we decided not to go.
The castle area was also very small, and we just had a look at the collection of weapons and books that they had.
We thought of going over to Slovakia, but the weather was very windy, and we didn't have any Euro. I was also not feeling too well, so we went home rather.


The new Sims 4 finally came out! It's great. I made myself, and got married to a built-in sim, who turned out to be in IT. As per usual. I had three kids, all boys, and the second batch was twins. I do miss the toddler phase more than I thought.

We went to the 50th wedding anniversary of my mum's first cousin. It was a big family gathering. I even found some food to eat, though none of the sweets. They had walnut cake!
I tried bachata and kizomba. I actually liked bachata more, but kizomba was okay as well. However, I decided to not go more, because I had a lot to do on Wednesdays, and it was also very late when I got home. Maybe I'll pick it up again at another time.
Work picked up, and after months of trying to figure out what we were supposed to be doing, we were finally actually doing stuff. I got a bigger customer. There was also a lot of frustration going on though.
I finally saw Györgyi from my trip to Italy. We had a lot of fun talking, and also saw a movie. We decided to go on a Turkish cooking course in a few weeks.
A lot of new series started, so I could finally watch more.


We went with Györgyi to the cooking course. It was a lot of fun, and I really liked the new foods, especially the dessert.
I started my event planner course. It sounded like a lot of work, but also kind of fun to be learning something again.
My cousin's son was born. Mátyás. He was born a day later than his grandmother's birthday would have been. October 12th. A very cute baby, but we only decided to visit in January.
Tiborc András left for Dubai, and we had our last pizza party with him. He was entertaining on pizza parties.
I decided to try to do NaNoWriMo this year.


A busy month. I didn't manage to write one line of NaNoWriMo. I was saddened by that, but I had to write two papers for my course, and also had a party to plan for at the end of the month, so I just couldn't manage it.
The party turned out great. I practised belly dancing for it, because I performed. I made all Turkish foods. Kriszti and Andor came early to help.
The day after the party it turned out that I got really sick. I went to Szeged and worked there, but came back for my course, only missed one day.


I gave in all my papers for my course, and passed. I was a bit scared of the exam the next year, especially because it had been a while since I've had to actually study for an exam.
I finally got to play a lot with my new Dragon Age Inquisition game. It's amazing!
I worked hard on my movie for Christmas. I event went and shot a few clips on my own. Mum came to Budapest so that we could go to the Christmas market. We first went to the Basilica, and saw a great light show with music on the face. I got some good footage of that, and the children's ice skating ring. Then we decided to eat and have a drink. We actually bumped into Károly Rékasi. He was very nice, and let us take a picture of him with me. After eating, we went on to the Vörösmarty square, and shot some more footage. It was pretty cold.
We went home for Christmas. We made a dish mum's mum used to make when she was expecting a lot of people for the holidays. Stefánia and potato salad in vinegar with onions. It turned out so good, we could hardly stop eating it. Mum also made poppy seed rolls for the first time. They were amazing.
I visited my grandmother before New Year's. She looked terrible, very sick. She said she was in a lot of pain, and was basically waiting for the end. I knew she was speaking the truth, because I could feel death hanging around her. I'm not sure what it was exactly, but I knew. I showed her the Christmas video I made. She liked it.
On New Year's Eve we had a quiet day of watching Downton Abbey. At midnight we toasted, and then watched fireworks being shot up around the neighbourhood. Afterwards we watched an old movie, "Mici néni két élete".


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