Memories of Father
I was supposed to meet my father at my grandma's on the Saturday after my birthday. Well, he told her that because I didn't reply to his message, he wasn't coming. My grandmother was harassing me over it. I told her I didn't write back, because it was a simple text, he didn't call, and I was going to meet him anyway, so why reply??? Anyway, don't care, though it was very uncomfortable. They kept going on and on about it. I figure it was because he had something else scheduled, and would rather meet his friends than me. It wasn't the first time. Appearances have always been more important to him than me. He never asked me what I wanted for my birthday, or if I needed help with something, or anything really. I was always someone to be dragged around for his girlfriends and friends, to show off. I never felt that he actually wanted to see me. We haven't seen each other since, and he doesn't say he doesn't want to see me, but it is implied. Not ...