Single Again

Well, I'm single again. I should be sad now, but I'm actually relieved . It wasn't working and I think we both knew it for some time, but we still dragged it on. He because he liked me too much and I because I just didn't want to be single again. Or rather, just didn't want to break up again. The last time sucked. So what happened? Last I wrote about my relationship we went to Vienna. It was quite good, but there were schedule problems, as I've mentioned. We both went to spend the holidays with out families in different cities, so we didn't meet. We later met, but then I caught influenza and I was back with my mom for a few weeks again. Then we met once again and tonight he broke up with me in an email. Which I would mind, if I felt something, but since I apparently don't, I'm rather glad for. He says that it was me who didn't want to spend enough time with him. True that I had belly dancing, but I had been looking forward to relaxing ov...