DeviantArt, New Apartment, Love, Sick.. Again etc.

I read my last post. I can't believe that it's been over a month since I last wrote here. I love reading what I write, because it's interesting to see what happened.
So on that, I did manage to cut back on the heating and use of gas. Though at the end of the month it still did cost an arm and a leg. I still had some stuff to get for the apartment. One thing that I did is to make a wall of love according to Feng Shui. My mom checked and located my center of love and relationship in the room. So I put up 3 pictures of my favourite couples in movies / series. Legend of the Seeker, Gone With The Wind and Hana Yori Dango. All screen captures. The last one was from the wedding scene and I think it's great. I'm going to hang a huge picture with a stylized "Love" on it, but I can't find my nails.
I did get a TV and it's great! I'm in love.

Talking about love. I gave my colleague a chance and it didn't turn out good. We gave it a shot, but the chemistry just wasn't there. It was kind of weird, because when we were alone, we would say stuff that the other just took the wrong way. So yeah, apparently we just didn't connect right.
I'm just giving up on the whole love thing at this point. My mom keeps telling me to go out and look, but when I did go out, I never saw guys I would be interested in. I'm not sure what mature single men do in their free time, but probably not party.

Ex-flatmate. I did email him a bit, but in the end he stoped replying, so I'm leaving it at that. I'm still reading his blog though. At least it's the condensed version of what I used to hear every day and I'm free to roll my eyes. Still stuck on the same guy and still the "he won't talk to me!" then "now he talks to me!" I'm often just skimming through it, really. Still smoking, though he was in the hospital in december as well. Oh well, if he wants to die...

I'm sick again. I'm tired of being sick so often, the last time was in September. However, I read that with my thyroid glands not working and having an artificial hormone replacement, my immune system is just not very strong. I do eat vegetables, though since I hate them, not that much. And Tangarine, which I love. But I'm still often sick. Being exhausted because I'm sick and hungry from the pills is not improving on my weight issue either.

Frankly, I'm not that concerned over my weight. I eat a smaller bar of chocolate a day and try to stay off of it the rest of the day. I sometimes eat sugar free deserts. I also order food that is healthy and low on the bad stuff. Otherwise, I just can't give a damn.

Scotland awaits me. I ordered my plane tickets, reserved my stays in all 3 places and will order my bus tickets when the time slot is available. My mom told me today that if I don't want any presents until Xmas, then she'll pay for the plane tickets. I said sure, because I don't really want anything. So that is a big portion of my saves and that leaves me with only about 100.000HUF left to save and I'm good. I can manage that until July. So Scotland, here I come!

I'm so much calmer and happier since the move. I realized that my ex flatmate was making me depressed. Life is good.

One more thing. I'm playing Bioshock 2! It's a scary game. The other night I had to go to sleep listening to the TV because my mind kept playing scenes from the game. I love the game, but I cut back a bit on it, until I can get it out of my mind. Seeing rain is not helping!

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