Abingdon BS, traveling, love life, apartment hunt

On a happier note, I'm going to see Abingdon Boys School in München! So cool. Can't wait. I'm also going to spend some time in the city and actually see it. I'm planing on making my own travel documentary while there. It's part of the fun. It's also a trial run for the documentary I'm planning on making about my travel through Scotland in the summer. I realised that I want to travel a lot. I'm going to do more mini breaks in Europe, as my money allows. I'll put a bit aside each month to a "travel fund". Oh, this is going to be so great! I'll concentrate on the visits and seeing the place, not the hotel or anything like that.
I'll put the videos up on YouTube, so if anyone is interested, that is where you will need to look. My username is the same there. Playlist

Another Japan-related thing is that I've finally found a good quality subber for the final eps of Inuyasha, which is great.

A not Japan related issue is that I'm in the process of finding a flat to rent by myself. I'm finally going to live all alone. I know I wrote about being depressed and feeling lonely before, but I'm actually looking forward to this and being rid of my flatmate. What I realised was that he was the cause of my depression. He constantly put me down, told me what to do and how, which I hate. So I kept feeling not good enough. I do like the quiet life, I love to just lie down and read. I'm also being much more social towards my colleagues now.

ya soshla s uma, a user at JPOPASIA, replied to one of my entries by suggesting that I should give my colleague, who is interested, a chance. So I listened to her and did. He is really sweet and caring. He helps me whereever he can and recently I have had a lot of problems. We haven't spent much time alone yet, but we have both been really busy. So it is difficult to find time for us. However, once I get an apartment, I'll invite him up. :-D Maybe cook too. I'm also going to have a place warming party, where I'll invite my colleagues and I'll also include my Wii. I never did that before, so I'm open to ideas suggestions. Oh, my Wii started working okay all by itself! So I'm good now.

The funny thing is that when my flatmate told me he was moving, I was sad and cried. But once I got over it, I realised I'm actually happy about it and relieved.

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