Tooth issues and finally some progress concerning weight loss
I've been going to a place where they "churn" my belly. It's done with a glass bowl turned upside down. They also do limbic massage with a machine. I get a bit dizzy and nauseous after the massage, but that's fine. The woman there promised to check with the providers of the machine if that is okay. It does seem to be working as I'm now 66kg, and lost cm-s off my tummy. What I haven't been doing a lot of is working out. I just hadn't had the time or the mood, but I'm thinking of doing Jillian's 30 minutes 30 days thing. That much I can manage. Knowing Jillian, it must be hard, but 30 minutes is not enough time for me to get bored. I'm at my mum's again. For a few months I've had an issue with something hurting on the left bottom side of my mouth. Couldn't determine if it was gums or teeth, so when I felt it get worse, I went to the dentist. It was a bit problematic. I decided to go on Thursday, but couldn't go to Szeged ...